lundi 25 avril 2011

Palmis kap boujonnen

Ou se yon pye palmis ki chaje ak grenn pou chak madan sara vin poze soutèt ou. Pou chak madan sara vin prann yon ti grenn nan palmis la. Mwen pa ta renmen ou mouri. Mwen ta renmen yon sous dlo anba pye palmis. Pou palmis la toujou fè grenn. Madan sara yo prale. Yo pral relechi. Pou dlo a pa janm seche anba rasin palmis la. Nou prale, nap vole, nou pral priye pou sous la pa janm seche, pou li toujou ap boujonnen.

Inspirasyon de Marie Alina Cajuste
Alias Ti bèbè


Flowering Palm
You are like a palm tree full of fronds for each little bird to come rest on your shoulders. For each bird to come take a spot on the tree. I wouldn't like for you to die. I would like to make myself a spring beneath the palm so it can continue to blossom.
The birds will go eventually go, they will wish for the water never to dry up beneath the palm's roots. We too will go, we will fly, we will pray for the spring to never dry up, so the palm will continue to blossom forever.
Here we go.

Inspiration by Marie Alina Cajuste
Alias Ti bèbè

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